Click on product name to get instructions on how and when to apply on the specified crop
Nursery: 1 kilo per 1000 Litres of soil.
Transplanting: 10-20g per planting hole.
Foliar application at 1ml / litre of water.
New Planting
Apply 50g-100g per plant, 4 weeks after transplanting
Mature trees
Apply 200-400g per plant
10-20g per planting hole.
Fertilizer Coating
1-2% mixture (1-2 Kilo Earthlee per 100 kilo of fertilizer) of Earthlee to be mixed with planting and top dressing fertilizer like DAP, NPK, Urea, Can, etc.
Mature trees
10-50g Earthlee per tree (compare cost to adding manure only).
Nhance Foliar | Drench Foliar | Drench
Nursery Seed propagated
1st application as a root drench when transplanting in the soil 0.5% or 5ml / litre water.
2nd application as foliar spray 3 weeks after 1st application. Apply at 0.3% or 3ml / litre of water to runoff.
3rd application as foliar spray 3 weeks after 2nd application. Apply at 0.3% or 3ml / litre of water to runoff.
4th application as a root drench just before transplanting at 0.5% or 5ml / litre water and 30ml solution per half litre bag.
Vegetative Propagation Nursery
1st application as root drench on the same day as staking in the soil or medium at 0.5% of 5ml / litre water.
2nd foliar spray 3 weeks from first application 0.3% or 3ml / litre of water applied to runoff.
3rd application as foliar spray 3 weeks from second application at 0.3% or 3ml / litre of water applied to runoff.
Newly transplanted in the field
1st application as root drench on the same day as transplanting at 0.5% of 5ml / litre water.
2nd foliar spray 4 weeks from first application 0.3% or 3ml / litre of water applied to runoff.
3rd application as foliar spray 4 weeks from second application at 0.3% or 3ml / litre of water applied to runoff
Mature Trees
1st application as foliar spray at pinhead stage 0.3% of 3ml / litre water.
2nd foliar spray 3 weeks from first application 0.3% or 3ml / litre of water applied to runoff or 2 litre per hectare.
3rd application as foliar spray 4 weeks from second application at 0.3% or 3ml / litre of water applied to runoff.