Click on product name to get instructions on how and when to apply on the specified crop
New Banana Planting
Before transplanting apply 10 – 20g of dry Absorber with backfill of planting hole. Mix thoroughly with backfill to ensure even spread.
New Banana Planting
For nematode control, 2 weeks after transplanting water the seedling and then drench root zone with 2 litres Achook solution at the rate of 8ml Achook / litre of water.
Established Bananas
For nematode control, water the plant and then drench root zone with 2 litre Achook solution at the rate of 8ml Achook / litre of water. For best results apply together with Nhance Foliar & Drench drench. Repeat every 3 months and alternate with other nematicides.
New Banana Planting
Apply 100-200g per plant, 2 weeks after transplanting.
Established Bananas
Apply 200-500g per plant.
New Banana Planting
Before transplanting apply 40g of Earthlee with backfill of planting hole. Mix thoroughly with backfill to ensure even spread.
Established Bananas
Apply 20 – 40g Earthlee as a top dress per plant. Can be used on its’ own or mixed with other granular fertilizers.
New Banana Planting
Before transplanting drench seedlings for 15 minutes with Nhance Foliar & Drench solution at the rate of 5ml / litre of water.
Apply two successive foliar sprays of Nhance Foliar & Drench at 14 – 21 days intervals after transplanting at the rate of 3ml / litre of water.
Established Bananas
Water the plant and then drench root zone with 2 litres Nhance Foliar & Drench solution at the rate of 3ml Nhance Foliar & Drench / litre of water.
Repeat every 3 – 6 months.