For insect control like diamond black moth, aphids and other caterpillars etc., spray Achook at 14 day interval at the rate of 1ml / litre of water at first signs of pest. Ensure full coverage.
Apply 250-500Kg / Ha at planting
At time of planting or top dressing, granular fertilizers should be coated with 1kg Earthlee for every 50kg fertilizers. Before planting, dip potato seeds in Nhance Foliar & Drench solution for 15 minutes at the rate of 200ml of Nhance Foliar & Drench in 100 litres of water.
Nhance Foliar | Drench Foliar | Drench
Dip tubers in 5ml / 1L water for 15 minutes prior to planting.
First Foliar at 21 days after emergence followed by second foliar after 14 days at 2ml / 1L water. Do not spray after flower initiation
5Kg / Ha with seed and fertiliser