Our Services

Our Services

Safe Solutions, Better Products, A Better World

Our safe, non-toxic and biodegradeable solutions support in increasing crop yields by increasing aeration, improving nutrient availability, encouraging beneficial microorganism activity and ultimately in managing costs by reducing watering frequency. 


Small Holder Farm Management (Farmer Groups)​
    • We provide consultancy services to small holder farmers and their farmer groups. We train, equip, and guide the farmers on how to achieve strong yields, soil health, pest control that is bee friendly through our products as well as other products on the market.
Commercial Farm Management
  • We provide consultancy services to commercial farms. We seek to find solutions that better our clients’ businesses with an approach to profitability and effectiveness. We are one of the few companies that is deep in the sustainable production of Agricultural inputs for the local market. This ensures that there is longevity in the systems you are implementing for your organizations KPI’s.
Tree Planting Establishment and Management
    • Tree planting and management of our ecosystem is central to how Organix Limited approaches sustainability. Our Products are particularly instrumental in the survivability of trees and crops. We have various systems that we can implement; Syntropic, Silvopasture and Permaculture on your farm to push both agroforestry as well as crop farming. We are ready to take on commercial or small holder projects and oversee them to success.
Spray Programs

We have a wide range of products that tackle various needs on a commercial farm or small holder project. Our range of products are vital in reducing pesticide resistance because they can easily be integrated into the flow of your pesticide or fungicide interventions. Our team is able to advise you operation on a plan that will enable you achieve a beneficial balance in foliar, pesticide and fungicide spray programs. Additionally, the nature of our products are plant and natural based, therefore they tend to be the last line of defense in an aging spray program. We can provide a purely organic spray program, a semi-organic and synthetic program or a semi-organic and biologicals program.

Export Produce and Crops

Export crops and farming systems are time sensitive and cost prohibitive as they are setup with a particular bottom line. Our products can be used at every step of the crop production process but are particularly relevant at the harvest stage. With tougher restrictions and standards being implemented to guarantee safety for the consumer, Organix Limited products are particularly essential in this part of the production cycle. Most of our products carry European based organic certification; meeting of far exceeding the standards that are required to produce safe, quality and abundant yields for consumers abroad.

Soil Testing

Soil Testing Activity

We can come to your site and collect your soil sample.
There is a particular methodology of collecting the sample that ensures accurate results. This is preferred for clients that have never conducted a soil test and those that have soil tests that are more than 2 years old.

Explaining your Soil Test Results

Once the soil sample has been collected, we will send it in for sampling. There is a wide range of tests that can be conducted. We recommend a soil nutrition test and a soil pathogens test at the very least. The results of these tests enables our team to recommend effective recommendations that will show results. With the recommendation and interpreted report most of the activities on the farm can be easily mapped for success.

Amendment and Nutrition Plan

The results of the soil tests will produce certain recommendations. We provide an advisory and monitoring aspect to ensure that the recommendations are adhered to and the applications of various recommendations are done accordingly. With our range of soil health and soil rejuvenation products, we are well placed to guide you in the right application of the soil conditioners to achieve success.


Sustainable Farming Practices

Farming is evolving and we are seeing more efficient methods and concepts emerging. Our team has the competency to introduce, train and equip farmers with the knowledge of various farming systems. 

We are primarily driven to sustainable farming practices that utilize the land and nutrients fully, conserves water and rejuvenates the soil.

Usage of Sustainable Inputs with Synthetics or Biologicals.

Sustainable/ Organic Inputs are usually straight forward but some may need technical expertise. 

Our experience working with our products positions us perfectly to advise and train on application of the products in combination of synthetic fertilizers and biological products to improve yields, soil heath and pest control.

Usage of Sustainable Inputs exclusively.

Organix Limited has a large number of products. Each of the products has a way that it is used or applied in the field.

We have experience using the products for the past 20 years and can easily train you or your team in how to apply the products and gain further knowledge of the capabilities of the particular product.

Lawn Maintenance and Establishment

Lawn Feeding and Maintenance

Every homeowner wants a lawn that they can be proud of—a gorgeous, lush, green lawn that’s full of healthy grass. Getting a great lawn takes a lot of work. Unfortunately, not every homeowner has the time necessary to manage and provide all of the services their lawn needs on a continuous basis to stay healthy.

Thankfully, homeowners don’t need to manage their lawns on their own when they choose to work with Organix Limited.

We provide for Lawn Feeding and Maintenance; which includes,

Lawn Aeration: This improves the flow of oxygen and nutrients to your lawn to help it grow naturally.

Fertilization: Like other plants in your lawn, your grass needs to be fed and nourished. Organix Ltd uses a unique slow-release fertilizers and soil conditioners that ensures that your grass gets the nutrients it needs as the seasons change.

Targeted Weed and Pest Control: We provide timely intervention on various weeds that get in the way of your thriving lawn. There are a number of cutworms, ants and other pests that also interfere with your lawn depending on the season. We have the products and techniques to handle such issues. 

Lawn Establishment

The key to establishing a lawn successfully is proper soil preparation. At Organix Ltd. we have the right products to condition your soil, water retainers to ensure you conserve water one the growing stage and a foliar input to grow your grass stolons very fast.

We have a lot of experience establishing lawns that are cost effective and reduce your maintenance of your lawn in terms of water and fertilizers.

Lawn & Garden Feeding

The results of the soil tests will produce certain recommendations. We provide an advisory and monitoring aspect to ensure that the recommendations are adhered to and the applications of various recommendations are done accordingly. With our range of soil health and soil rejuvenation products, we are well placed to guide you in the right application of the soil conditioners to achieve success.

Lawn Maintenance and Establishment for Commercial Clients

The results of the soil tests will produce certain recommendations. We provide an advisory and monitoring aspect to ensure that the recommendations are adhered to and the applications of various recommendations are done accordingly. With our range of soil health and soil rejuvenation products, we are well placed to guide you in the right application of the soil conditioners to achieve success.

Agrovets, Distributors and CBO's

Becoming an Organix Limited Distributor
    • We provide consultancy services to small holder farmers and their farmer groups. We train, equip, and guide the farmers on how to achieve strong yields, soil health, pest control that is bee friendly through our products as well as other products on the market.
Becoming an Organix Limited Agrovet
  • We provide consultancy services to commercial farms. We seek to find solutions that better our clients’ businesses with an approach to profitability and effectiveness. We are one of the few companies that is deep in the sustainable production of Agricultural inputs for the local market. This ensures that there is longevity in the systems you are implementing for your organizations KPI’s.
Partnering at Organix Limited as a CBO
    • Tree planting and management of our ecosystem is central to how Organix Limited approaches sustainability. Our Products are particularly instrumental in the survivability of trees and crops. We have various systems that we can implement; Syntropic, Silvopasture and Permaculture on your farm to push both agroforestry as well as crop farming. We are ready to take on commercial or small holder projects and oversee them to success.
Partnering with Organix Limited for Events or Fairs

We have a wide range of products that tackle various needs on a commercial farm or small holder project. Our range of products are vital in reducing pesticide resistance because they can easily be integrated into the flow of your pesticide or fungicide interventions. Our team is able to advise you operation on a plan that will enable you achieve a beneficial balance in foliar, pesticide and fungicide spray programs. Additionally, the nature of our products are plant and natural based, therefore they tend to be the last line of defense in an aging spray program. We can provide a purely organic spray program, a semi-organic and synthetic program or a semi-organic and biologicals program.


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