Our Solutions

Our Solutions

Safe Solutions, Better Products, A Better World

Our safe, non-toxic and biodegradeable solutions support in increasing crop yields by increasing aeration, improving nutrient availability, encouraging beneficial microorganism activity and ultimately in managing costs by reducing watering frequency. 

Water Conservation

Reduce your watering frequency by up to 50%

We offer solutions for the most pressing issue in farming, Water availability!

Our Water Retainers are created to

  • Retain moisture in the root zone of the plants or trees.
  • Retain nutrients and dissolved fertilizers.
  • Prevent leaching of nutrients whenever heavy rains occur.

Soil Health & Soil Rejuvenation.

Our Soils are the foundation!

We provide solutions that can rejuvenate and enrich your soils. They are sustainable, long term solutions:

  • Soil Conditioners that can unlock, locked nutrients in soil.
  • They are safe to use and contain no seeds to encourage weed growth.
  • Contain several ingredients that offer a holistic nutritional benefits. Asilee is made from 18 ingredients.

Pest Control

Safely keeping away pests, but not harming Bees

We have plant based and certified organic solutions to control pests:

  • Achook has multiple modes of action making it ideal for use at any stage of the the pest attack.
  • Our pest control products are safe to use with a short PHI interval, 8 hours PHI interval.
  • Our products are Bee friendly.
  • Our Pest Control products are economical and last a long time. 

Foliar, Growth Promoters and Root Development.

Effective Growth and Foliar products for better yields.

We have a range of products that enhance the growth of your crops and trees.

  • The products are certified organic and very effective.
  • We have a wide rage of products that can be applied in different situations and at particular growth stages.
  • Our products promote root growth, prevent flower abortion, and greatly improves germination rates.

Our Botanical Solutions

From natural and plant based ingredients.

Our Botanical Range of products offer unique agricultural solutions.

Our botanicals are:

  • Safe for use by your employees or the person applying the products.
  • Most have foliar capabilities in addition to the unique qualities to address painpoints on your farm

Industrial and Commercial Solutions

We provide Industrial Grade products that are safe for the environment

We have a range of products that protect and contain spills and reduce dust on construction sites. We also have a range of water conditioners and greenhouse tapes.

  • The products address one of the most common issued at factories where spills and dangerous products are inadvertently released and need to be contained. Additionally we have Water Conditioners that eliminate the effects of hard water on industrials and farming activities.


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